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Our institute achieved excellent results in the 15th Blue Bridge Cup National Software and Information Technology Professional Talent Competition in 2024

Time:2024-08-08 Views:

On June 1, 2024, the 15th Blue Bridge Cup National Software and Information Technology Professional Talent Competition National Finals, hosted by the Talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, was successfully held at Guangxi University. This competition is divided into electronic and software competitions, with a total of 10 competition projects including Java software development, C/C++programming, embedded design and development, EDA design and development, and microcontroller design and development. This competition is included in the 2024 National College Student Competition Ranking.

After the selection of the Guangxi regional competition on April 21st, three students including Wei Zhongjie, Chen Zhuhua, and Yang Qijin, guided by teachers such as Lu Xiang from our experimental center, won the first prize in the embedded design and development university group, EDA design and development university group, and single-chip microcontroller design and development university group respectively. They were also qualified to participate in the 15th Blue Bridge Cup National Software and Information Technology Professional Talent Competition National Finals held on June 1st. In the finals, Wei Zhongjie won the second prize in the national embedded design and development university group, while Chen Zhuhua and Yang Qijin won the excellent award.

By participating in this competition, students have developed their ability to learn independently, master information processing technology, enhance their professional knowledge and skills, learn from each other, improve their practical abilities, further encourage more undergraduate students to participate in subject competitions, promote teacher-student exchanges, and improve the quality of talent cultivation.