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普渡大学Na Lu教授访问物理学院
2015-12-25 08:35  

应物理学院冯哲川教授的邀请,美国普渡大学的Na Lu副教授于9月29日下午15:30在物理学院一楼阶梯教室做了题为:“Materials Engineering for Energy and Environmental Sustainability: From Atomic-Level to Large Scale Manufacturing”的学术报告。

Na Lu教授使用纳米技术操控材料的电、热、机械及光学性能,并应用于可再生能源研究,取得了突出的研究成果。她在学术报告中详细介绍了基于氮化铟镓-氮化镓超晶格结构的新型热电器件的研究前沿及产业化进展。


广西大学引进的杰出人才冯哲川教授主持Na Lu教授学术报告会,并带领研究团队与Na Lu教授展开深入讨论。冯哲川教授与Na Lu教授已有多年密切合作经验,通过此次访问交流,两位教授与物理学院院长、广西相对论天体物理重点实验室主任梁恩维教授探讨了进一步合作的前景,一致达成初步意向拟联合共建国际化的广西大学—普渡大学研究中心,共享研究平台,并建立稳定的研究人员交流机制,以推动重点实验室光电材料与探测技术研究方向的发展。

报告人简介:Na (Luna) Lu is an associate professor of materials engineering at the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University. Prior to Purdue, she was an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She has research interests/expertise in using nanotechnology to tailor a materials’ (electrical, thermal, mechanical, and optical) properties for renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure applications. She has authored over 60 referred publications; 2 book chapters, and 3 pending patents. She has given a keynote talk, 10 invited talks and numerous contributed talks at top research conferences, including Material Research Society (MRS), The Mineral, Metals and Materials (TMS) and International Conference on Composites/Nano-engineering, etc. Her research work has been featured in national and regional media, including ASCE Podcasting,Charlotte Observer, and the Charlotte Business Journal. She is the recipient of a 2014 National Science Foundation CAREER Award.









